My Story


I vaguely remember watching the 1996 Super Bowl when the Patriots played the Green Bay Packers. I turned to my Dad that night and said, “The Patriots suck, dad. Why do we keep throwing the ball to the other team?”

As a diehard Red Sox fan, I didn’t care all that much if I’m honest. Visions of Mo Vaughn, fresh off his 1995 MVP award, danced through my head. But that would all change one fateful day in 2001, when Tom Brady took over as quarterback of the Patriots.

Over the next 20 seasons, I was fortunate to watch every single game of Tom Brady’s career. During this time I witnessed sporting greatness in unprecedented forms—there was the prime of Tiger Woods’ career, when he won the US Open by a record of 15 shots. These was Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals in a single Olympics. There was Usain Bolt.

I watched the Red Sox break an 86 year curse when a bunch of self-proclaimed idiots won the World Series in 2004. But for all of those moments of sporting bliss, watching Tom Brady play quarterback for 20+ seasons was undoubtedly the greatest thrill of my sporting life.

The Tale of Tom is my opportunity to give back—to the poor, poor children of New England who aren't fortunate enough to grow up with the same privilege that I did. May they all come to know, to love, and to understand greatness of Tom Brady. That is my wish.

If that is all we can give to our children, we all know that is enough.

Now there’s a recipe—a clear cut way for you to share Tom with your little one. Share this fine leather volume with your children every Christmas Eve, or every night for that matter—just don’t forget to wash it all down with a bowl of avocado ice cream.

A new family tradition awaits! Don’t let your neighbors be the only ones passing a new family heirloom down through the generations. So sit back, relax, and crack open your new book.

If only all aspects of parenting were this easy!

-Geoff Roberts